Manuscript Preprint
Zhaoyuan Gu, Junheng Li, Wenlan Shen, et. al. Humanoid Locomotion and Manipulation: Current Progress and Challenges in Control, Planning, and Learning. Submitted, 2025. [pdf]
Ziyi Zhou, Qian Meng, Hadas Kress-Gazit, and Ye Zhao. Physically-Feasible Reactive Synthesis for Terrain-Adaptive Locomotion via Trajectory Optimization and Symbolic Repair. Submitted, 2025. [pdf] [video]
Fukang Liu, Zhaoyuan Gu, Yilin Cai, Ziyi Zhou, Shijie Zhao, Hyunyoung Jung, Sehoon Ha, Yue Chen, Danfei Xu, and Ye Zhao. Opt2Skill: Imitating Dynamically-feasible Whole-Body Trajectories for Versatile Humanoid Loco-Manipulation, Submitted, 2024. [pdf] [video] [website]
Abdulaziz Shamsah, Jesse Jiang, Ziwon Yoon, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. Terrain-Aware Model Predictive Control of Heterogeneous Bipedal and Aerial Robot Coordination for Search and Rescue Tasks, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025. [pdf] [video]
Xuan Lin, Jiming Ren, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. Optimization-based Task and Motion Planning under Signal Temporal Logic Specifications using Logic Network Flow, IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025. [pdf] [video]
Max Asselmeier, Dhruv Ahuja, Abdel Zaro, Ahmad Abuaish, Ye Zhao, and Patricio A. Vela. Dynamic Gap: Safe Gap-based Navigation in Dynamic Environments. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2025. [pdf]
Jesse Jiang, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. A Unified Approach to Multi-task Legged Navigation: Temporal Logic Meets Reinforcement Learning, Submitted, 2024. [pdf] [video]
Zhaoyuan Gu, Yuntian Zhao, Yipu Chen, Rongming Guo, Jennifer K. Leestma, Gregory S. Sawicki, and Ye Zhao. Robust-Locomotion-by-Logic: Perturbation-Resilient Bipedal Locomotion via Signal Temporal Logic Guided Model Predictive Control. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Conditionally Accepted, 2025. [pdf] [video] [website]
Max Asselmeier, Ye Zhao, and Patricio A. Vela. Steppability-informed Quadrupedal Contact Planning through Deep Visual Search Heuristics. Submitted, 2024. [pdf]
Feiyang Wu, Zhaoyuan Gu, Ye Zhao* and Anqi Wu*. Learn to Teach: Improve Sample Efficiency in Teacher-student Learning for Sim-to-Real Transfer. (*co-senior authorships), Submitted, 2024. [pdf]
[J28] Abdulaziz Shamsah, Krishanu Agarwal, Nigam Katta, Abirath Raju, Shreyas Kousik*, and Ye Zhao*. Socially Acceptable Bipedal Robot Navigation via Social Zonotope Network Model Predictive Control. (*co-senior authorships), IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TASE.2024.3519012 [pdf] [video] [website]
[J27] Zhigen Zhao, Shuo Cheng, Yan Ding, Ziyi Zhou, Shiqi Zhang, Danfei Xu, and Ye Zhao. A Survey of Optimization-based Task and Motion Planning: From Classical To Learning Approaches. IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2024. DOI: 10.1109/TMECH.2024.3452509 [pdf]
[J26] Yunhai Han*, Colin Yu*, Rahul Batra, Nathan Boyd, Chaitanya Mehta, Tuo Zhao, Yu She, Seth Hutchinson, and Ye Zhao. Learning Generalizable Vision-Tactile Robotic Grasping Strategy for Deformable Objects via Transformer, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 30(1), 554-566, 2024. (*equally contributed) [pdf] [code] [video]
[J25] Abdulaziz Shamsah, Zhaoyuan Gu, Jonas Warnke, Seth Hutchinson, and Ye Zhao. Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Safe Legged Navigation in Partially Observable Environments, IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(6), 4913-4934, 2023. [pdf] [code] [video]
[J24] Jesse Jiang, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. Abstraction-based Planning for Uncertainty-aware Legged Navigation, IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems, 2, 221-234, 2023. [pdf]
[J23] Lasitha Wijayarathne*, Ziyi Zhou*, Ye Zhao**, and Frank L. Hammond III**. Real-Time Deformable-Contact-Aware Model Predictive Control for Force-Modulated Manipulation, (*equally contributed, **equally advising), IEEE Transactions on Robotics, 39(5), 3549-3566, 2023. [pdf] [video] [code]
[J22] Ziyi Zhou*, Bruce Wingo*, Nathan Boyd, Seth Hutchinson, and Ye Zhao. Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion, (*equally contributed), IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (with IROS option), 7(3), 7755-7762, 2022. [pdf] [video]
[J21] Jesse Jiang, Ye Zhao, and Samuel Coogan. Safe Learning for Uncertainty-aware Planning via Interval MDP Abstraction, IEEE Control Systems Letters (with CDC option), 6, 2641-2646, 2022. [pdf] [code]
[J20] Ye Zhao, Yinan Li, Luis Sentis, Ufuk Topcu, and Jun Liu. Reactive Task and Motion Planning for Robust Whole-Body Dynamic Locomotion in Constrained Environments. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 41(8): 812-847, 2022. [pdf] [video]
[J19] Jianwen Luo, Ye Zhao, Lecheng Ruan, Shixin Mao, and Chenglong Fu. Estimation of CoM and CoP Trajectories During Human Walking Based on a Wearable Visual Odometry Device. IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 19(1), 396-409, 2022. [pdf]
[J18] Luke Drnach*, John Z. Zhang*, and Ye Zhao. Mediating between Contact Feasibility and Robustness of Trajectory Optimization through Chance Complementarity Constraints, (*equally contributed), Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 2022. [pdf] [code]
[J17] Zhigen Zhao*, Ziyi Zhou*, Michael Park, and Ye Zhao. SyDeBO: Symbolic-Decision-Embedded Bilevel Optimization for Long-Horizon Manipulation in Dynamic Environments. (*equally contributed), IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 12817-12826, 2021. [pdf]
[J16] Hongwu Zhu, Dong Wang, Nathan Boyd, Ziyi Zhou, Lecheng Ruan, Aidong Zhang, Ning Ding, Ye Zhao*, and Jianwen Luo*. Terrain-perception-free Quadrupedal Spinning Locomotion on Versatile Terrains: Modeling, Analysis, and Experimental Validation. (*co-corresponding authors) Frontiers in Robotics and AI, vol. 8, pp. 288-299, 2021. [pdf]
[J15] Lixian Zhang, Ruixian Zhang, Tong Wu, Rui Weng, Minghao Han, and Ye Zhao. Safe Reinforcement Learning with Stability Guarantee for Motion Planning of Autonomous Vehicles, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 32(12), 5435-5444, 2021. [pdf]
[J14] Luke Drnach, and Ye Zhao. Robust Trajectory Optimization over Uncertain Terrain with Stochastic Complementarity. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (with ICRA option), 6(2), 1168-1175, 2021. ICRA Best Paper Award Finalist in Automation. [pdf] [video] [code] [icra-video]
[J13] Jianwen Luo, Zelin Gong, Yao Su, Lecheng Ruan, Ye Zhao, H. Harry Asada, and Chenglong Fu. Modeling and Balance Control of Supernumerary Robotic Limb for Overhead Tasks. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters (with ICRA option), 6(2), 4125-4132, 2021. [pdf]
[J12] Ye Zhao, and Yan Gu. An Integrated Non-periodic Planning and Exponential Stabilization Framework of Dynamic Legged Locomotion. (equally contributed authors), International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications, 4(1), 95-108, 2020. [pdf]
[J11] Minghao Han, Ruixian Zhang, Lixian Zhang, Ye Zhao, and Wei Pan. Asynchronous Observer Design for Switched Linear Systems: A Tube-Based Approach. IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 7.1: 70-81, 2020. [pdf]
[J10] Jianwen Luo, Yao Su, Lecheng Ruan, Ye Zhao, Donghyun Kim, Luis Sentis, and Chenglong Fu. Robust Control of Bipedal Locomotion Based on a Hierarchical Framework. Robotica, 37(10), 1750-1767, 2019. [pdf]
[J9] Ye Zhao, Nicholas Paine, Steven Jorgensen, and Luis Sentis. Impedance Control and Performance Measure of Series Elastic Actuators. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2018, 65(3), 2817-2827. [pdf] [video] [code]
[J8] Jianwen Luo, Shuguo Wang, Ye Zhao, and Yili Fu. Variable Stiffness Control of Series Elastic Actuated Biped Locomotion. Intelligent Service Robotics. 2018, 11(3), 225-235. [pdf]
[J7] Ye Zhao, Benito Fernandez, and Luis Sentis. Robust Optimal Planning and Control of Non-Periodic Bipedal Walking With A Centroidal Momentum Model. The International Journal of Robotics Research. 36(11): 1211-1243, 2017. [pdf] [video] [code]
[J6] Donghyun Kim, Ye Zhao, Gray Thomas, Benito Fernandez and Luis Sentis. Stabilizing Series-Elastic Point-Foot Bipeds using Whole-Body Operational Space Control. IEEE Transactions on Robotics. 2016, 32(6), 1362-1379. IEEE-RAS TC on Whole-Body Control Best Paper Award Finalist [pdf] [video] [ArXiv]
[J5] Ye Zhao, Nicholas Paine, Kwan Suk Kim, and Luis Sentis. Stability and Performance Limits of Latency-Prone Distributed Feedback Controllers. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2015, 62(11), 7151-7162. [pdf] [video1] [video2] [ArXiv]
[J4] Weichao Sun, Ye Zhao, Jinfu Li, and Huijun Gao. Active Suspension Control with Frequency Band Constraints and Actuator Input Delay. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics. 2012, 59(1): 530-537. [pdf]
[J3] Ye Zhao, Lixian Zhang, Shen Shen, and Huijun Gao. Robust Stability Criterion for Discrete-time Uncertain Markovian Jumping Neural Networks with Defective Statistics of Modes Transitions. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks. 2011, 22(1): 164-170. [pdf]
[J2] Weichao Sun, Jinfu Li, Ye Zhao, and Huijun Gao. Vibration Control for Active Seat Suspension Systems via Dynamic Output Feedback with Limited Frequency Characteristic. Mechatronics. 2011, 21(1): 250-260. [pdf]
[J1] Lixian Zhang, Naigang Cui, Ming Liu, and Ye Zhao. Asynchronous Filtering of Discrete-Time Switched Linear Systems with Average Dwell Time. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers. 2011, 58(5): 1109-1118. [pdf]
Referred Conference Proceedings
[RCP35] Abdulaziz Shamsah, Krishanu Agarwal, Shreyas Kousik*, and Ye Zhao*. Real-time Model Predictive Control with Zonotope-Based Neural Networks for Bipedal Social Navigation. (*co-senior authorships), IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024. [pdf] [video]
[RCP34] Kasidit Muenprasitivej*, Jesse Jiang*, Abdulaziz Shamsah*, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. Bipedal Safe Navigation over Uncertain Rough Terrain: Unifying Terrain Mapping and Locomotion Stability, (equally contributed). IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024. [pdf] [video]
[RCP33] Jiming Ren, Haris Miller, Karen M. Feigh, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. LTL-D*: Incrementally Optimal Replanning for Feasible and Infeasible Tasks in Linear Temporal Logic Specifications, IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2024. [pdf] [video]
[RCP32] Kelin Yu*, Yunhai Han*, Qixian Wang, Vaibhav Saxena, Danfei Xu, Ye Zhao. MimicTouch: Leveraging Multi-modal Human Tactile Demonstrations for Contact-rich Manipulation. (equally contributed), Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL), 2024. [pdf] [video] [website]
[RCP31] Jesse Jiang, Ye Zhao, and Samuel Coogan. Local-Global Interval MDPs for Efficient Motion Planning with Learnable Uncertainty, American Control Conference (ACC), 2024. [pdf]
[RCP30] Zhaoyuan Gu, Rongming Guo, William Yates, Yipu Chen, Yuntian Zhao, and Ye Zhao. Walking-by-Logic: Signal Temporal Logic-Guided Model Predictive Control for Bipedal Locomotion Resilient to External Perturbations. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024. [pdf] [video]
[RCP29] Max Asselmeier, Jane Ivanova, Ziyi Zhou, Patricio A. Vela, and Ye Zhao. Hierarchical Experience-informed Navigation for Multi-modal Quadrupedal Rebar Grid Traversal. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024. [pdf] [video]
[RCP28] Feiyang Wu, Zhaoyuan Gu, Hanran Wu, Anqi Wu*, and Ye Zhao*. Infer and Adapt: Bipedal Locomotion Reward Learning from Demonstrations via Inverse Reinforcement Learning. (*co-advising authorships), IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2024. [pdf] [video]
[RCP27] Yunhai Han, Mandy Xie, Ye Zhao, Harish Ravichandar. On the Utility of Koopman Operator Theory in Learning Dexterous Manipulation Skills. Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL). Oral Presentation, 2023. [pdf]
[RCP26] Ted Tyler, Vaibhav Malhotra, Adam Montague, Zhigen Zhao, Frank L. Hammond III, and Ye Zhao. Integrating Reconfigurable Foot Design, Multi-modal Contact Sensing, and Terrain Classification for Bipedal Locomotion. Modeling, Estimation, and Control Conference (MECC), 2023. [pdf]
[RCP25] Shuai Wang, Jingfan Zhang, Chong Zhang, Jie Lai, Dongsheng Zhang, Ke Chen, Zhaoyuan Gu, Ye Zhao, Ke Zhang, and Yu Zheng. Hybrid Stepping Motion Generation for Wheeled-Bipedal Robots Without Roll Joints on Legs. International Conference on Advanced Robotics, 2023.
[RCP24] Shiyu Feng, Ziyi Zhou, Justin S. Smith, Max Asselmeier, Ye Zhao, and Patricio A. Vela. GPF-BG: A Hierarchical Vision-Based Planning Framework for Safe Quadrupedal Navigation. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA). 2023 [pdf] [video]
[RCP23] Michael E. Cao, Xinpei Ni, Jonas Warnke, Yunhai Han, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. Leveraging Heterogeneous Capabilities in Multi-Agent Systems for Environmental Conflict Resolution. IEEE International Symposium on Safety, Security, and Rescue Robotics (SSRR), 2022. [pdf] [video]
[RCP22] Ziyi Zhou, Dong Jae Lee, Yuki Yoshinaga, Stephen Balakirsky, Dejun Guo, and Ye Zhao. Reactive Task Allocation and Planning of Quadrupedal and Wheeled Robots, IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), 2022. [pdf] [code] [video]
[RCP21] Hongyi Chen, Shiyu Feng, Ye Zhao, Changliu Liu, and Patricio A. Vela. Safe Hierarchical Navigation in Crowded Dynamic Uncertain Environments, IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2022. [pdf]
[RCP20] Zhigen Zhao, Simiao Zuo, Tuo Zhao*, and Ye Zhao*. Adversarially Regularized Policy Learning Guided by Trajectory Optimization. (*co-corresponding authors), Annual Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control (L4DC), 2022. [pdf]
[RCP19] Zhaoyuan Gu, Nathan Boyd, and Ye Zhao. Reactive Locomotion Decision-Making and Robust Motion Planning for Real-Time Perturbation Recovery, International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2022. [pdf] [video]
[RCP18] Sergio Aguilera, Muhammad Murtaza, Ye Zhao, and Seth Hutchinson. Mass Estimation of a Moving Object Through Minimal Manipulation Interaction. International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), 2021. [pdf]
[RCP17] Jonas Warnke*, Abdulaziz Shamsah*, Yingke Li*, and Ye Zhao. Safe Locomotion Navigation in Partially Observable Environments with Uneven Terrain, (*equally contributed), IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2020. [pdf] [video] [code]
[RCP16] Lasitha Wijayarathne, Qie Sima, Ziyi Zhou, Ye Zhao*, and Frank L. Hammond III*. Simultaneous Trajectory Optimization and Force Control with Soft Contact Mechanics. (*co-corresponding authors), IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2020. [pdf]
[RCP15] Xiaofeng Guo, Bryan Blaise, Jennifer Molnar, Jeremiah Coholich, Shantanu Padte, Ye Zhao*, and Frank Hammond III*. Soft Foot Sensor Design and Terrain Classification for Dynamic Legged Locomotion. (*co-corresponding authors), IEEE International Conference on Soft Robotics (RoboSoft), 2020. [pdf] [video]
[RCP14] Sutej Kulgod*, Junda Huang*, Wentao Chen*, Ye Zhao, and Nikolay Atanasov. Temporal Logic Guided Locomotion Planning and Control in Cluttered Environments, (*first three authors equally contributed), American Control Conference, 2020. [pdf]
[RCP13] Ziyi Zhou, and Ye Zhao. Accelerated ADMM based Trajectory Optimization for Legged Locomotion with Coupled Rigid Body Dynamics, American Control Conference (ACC), 2020. [pdf] [video]
[RCP12] Marko Mihalec, Ye Zhao, and Jingang Yi. Recoverability Estimation and Control For A Walker Model Under Foot Slip Conditions. IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), 2020. [pdf]
[RCP11] Jianwen Luo, Ye Zhao, Donghyun Kim, Oussama Khatib, and Luis Sentis. Locomotion Control of Three Dimensional Passive-Foot Biped Robot Based on Whole Body Operational Space Framework. IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics, December, 2017. [pdf]
[RCP10] Ye Zhao*, Jonathan Matthis*, Sean L. Barton*, Mary Hayhoe and Luis Sentis. Towards Understanding Visually Guided Locomotion over Complex and Rough Terrain: A Phase-Space Planning Method. IEEE International Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts, March, 2017. (*equally contributed authors) [pdf]
[RCP9] Ye Zhao and Luis Sentis. Passivity of Time-Delayed Whole-Body Operational Space Control with Series Elastic Actuation. IEEE-RAS Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2016. [pdf] [suppl]
[RCP8] Ye Zhao, Ufuk Topcu and Luis Sentis. High-Level Planner Synthesis for Whole-Body Locomotion in Unstructured Environments. IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2016. [pdf] [video] [suppl]
[RCP7] Ye Zhao, Benito Fernandez, and Luis Sentis. Robust Phase-Space Planning for Agile Legged Locomotion over Various Terrain Topologies. Proceedings of Robotics: Science and Systems (RSS), 2016. [pdf] [video] [slides]
[RCP6] Ye Zhao, Donghyun Kim, Gray Thomas and Luis Sentis. Hybrid Multi-Contact Dynamics for Wedge Jumping Locomotion Behaviors. International Conference on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control (HSCC), 2015. [pdf]
[RCP5] Ye Zhao, Nicholas Paine, and Luis Sentis. Feedback Parameter Selection for Impedance Control of Series Elastic Actuators. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2014. [pdf]
[RCP4] Ye Zhao, Nicholas Paine, and Luis Sentis. Sensitivity Comparison To Loop Latencies Between Damping Versus Stiffness Feedback Control Action In Distributed Controllers. ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2014. [pdf]
[RCP3] Donghyun Kim, Ye Zhao, Gray Thomas, and Luis Sentis. Empirical Modifications To a Phase Space Planner Which Compensate For Low Stiffness Actuation in a Planar, Point-Foot, Biped Robot. ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference (DSCC), 2014. [pdf]
[RCP2] Ye Zhao, Donghyun Kim, Benito Fernandez and Luis Sentis. Phase Space Planning and Robust Control for Data-Driven Locomotion Behaviors. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2013. [pdf]
[RCP1] Ye Zhao, Luis Sentis. A Three Dimensional Foot Placement Planner for Locomotion in Very Rough Terrains. IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids), 2012. [pdf]
Nathan Boyd. Task and Motion Planning with Behavior Trees for Locomotion and Manipulation. MS Thesis, Georgia Tech, May 2022. [pdf]
Jonas Warnke. Safety-guaranteed Task Planning for Bipedal Navigation In Partially Observable Environments. MS Thesis, Georgia Tech, December 2021. [pdf]
Ye Zhao. A Planning and Control Framework of Humanoid Systems: Robust, Optimal, and Real-time Performance. Ph.D. Thesis, The University of Texas at Austin, December 2016. [pdf]
Conference Abstracts and Workshops
[CP31] Colin Yu, Yunhai Han, Matthew Zhu, and Ye Zhao. Touch Insight Acquisition: Human’s Insertion Strategies Learned by Multi-Modal Tactile Feedback. NeurIPS Workshop on Touch Processing: A New Sensing Modality for AI, 2023. Best Paper Award. [pdf]
[CP30] Colin Yu, Yunhai Han, Matthew Zhu, and Ye Zhao. MimicTouch: Learning Human’s Control Strategy with Multi-Modal Tactile Feedback. CORL Workshop on Towards Reliable and Deployable Learning-based Robotic Systems, 2023.
[CP29] Abdulaziz Shamsah, and Ye Zhao. Socially Acceptable Bipedal Navigation: A Signal-Temporal-Logic-Driven Approach for Safe Locomotion. IROS Workshop on Social Robot Navigation: Advances and Evaluation. 2023. [pdf]
[CP28] Ziyi Zhou, Eohan George, and Ye Zhao. Bridge Mixed-Integer Convex Program and Linear Temporal Logic: Reactive Gait Synthesis and Footstep Planning for Agile Perceptive Locomotion. IROS Workshop on Formal Methods Techniques in Robotics Systems: Design and Control. 2023.
[CP27] Jesse Jiang, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. Interval MDPs for Optimal Robotic Motion Planning with Temporal Logic Constraints. IROS Workshop on Formal Methods Techniques in Robotics Systems: Design and Control. 2023.
[CP26] Zhaoyuan Gu, Rongming Guo, William Yates, Nathan Boyd, and Ye Zhao. Signal Temporal Logic-Guided Model Predictive Control for Robust Bipedal Locomotion Resilient to Runtime Terrain Perturbations. IROS Workshop on Formal Methods Techniques in Robotics Systems: Design and Control. 2023.
[CP25] Max Asselmeier, Eohan George, Patricio A. Vela, and Ye Zhao. Hierarchical Multi-modal Navigation for Experience-informed Quadrupedal Rebar Grid Traversal. IROS Workshop on Integrated Perception, Planning, and Control for Physically and Contextually- Aware Robot Autonomy. 2023.
[CP24] Ziyi Zhou and Ye Zhao. Leveraging Quadrupedal Robots in Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Teaming with Run-Time Disturbances. IROS workshop in Decision-making in Multi-agent Systems. 2022.
[CP23] Hongyi Chen, Letian Wang, Yuhang Yao, Ye Zhao, and Patricio A. Vela. Human Instruction Following: Graph Neural Network Guided Object Navigation. CVPR Workshop in Embodied AI. 2022.
[CP22] Zhaoyuan Gu, Nathan Boyd, and Ye Zhao. Reactive Locomotion Decision-Making and Robust Motion Planning for Real-Time Perturbation Recovery. ICRA Workshop on Legged Robots, 2022.
[CP21] Jesse Jiang, Ye Zhao, and Samuel Coogan. Safe Learning for Uncertainty-Aware Legged Locomotion via Interval MDP Abstraction. ICRA Workshop on Safe and Reliable Robot Autonomy under Uncertainty, 2022.
[CP20] Zhigen Zhao, Simiao Zuo, Tuo Zhao*, and Ye Zhao*. Adversarially Regularized Policy Learning Guided by Trajectory Optimization. RSS Workshop on Integrating Planning and Learning, 2021. [pdf]
[CP19] Zhaoyuan Gu, Nathan Boyd, and Ye Zhao. Planning for Crossed-Leg Disturbance Rejection. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2021. [pdf] [poster]
[CP18] John Z. Zhang, Luke Drnach, and Ye Zhao. Can Chance-Constrained Contact Uncertainty Quantification Improve Feasibility of Robust Trajectory Optimization? Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2021. [pdf] [poster]
[CP17] Ziyi Zhou, Bruce Wingo, Nathan Boyd, Seth Hutchinson, and Ye Zhao. Momentum-Aware Planning Synthesis for Dynamic Legged Locomotion. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2021. [pdf] [poster]
[CP16] Abdulaziz Shamsah*, Jonas Warnke*, Zhaoyuan Gu, and Ye Zhao. Navigation in Dynamic Workspaces: Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Bipedal Locomotion. (*equally contributed) Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2021. [pdf] [poster].
[CP15] Luke Drnach, and Ye Zhao. Towards Data-Driven Contact Model Estimation using Inverse Optimization. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2021 [pdf].
[CP14] Jonas Warnke*, Abdulaziz Shamsah*, Yingke Li, Samuel Coogan, and Ye Zhao. Robust Locomotion Navigation in Partially Observable Environments with Safety Guarantees. (*equally contributed) RSS Workshop on Robust Autonomy. 2020. [pdf]
[CP13] Luke Drnach, and Ye Zhao. Robust Trajectory Optimization for Safe Locomotion over Uncertain Terrain. RSS Workshop on Robust Autonomy. 2020. [pdf] [video]
[CP12] Luke Drnach, and Ye Zhao. Trajectory Optimization over Uncertain Terrain using Stochastic Complementarity. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2020. [poster]
[CP11] Ye Zhao. Robust Task and Motion Planning for Agile Locomotion In The Now. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2020. [video] [pdf]
[CP10] Akash Harapanahalli*, Emil Muly*, Hogan Welch*, Timothy Brumfiel*, Zhengyang Weng*, et al., Luke Drnach, Dong Jae Lee, and Ye Zhao. Towards a Biomimetic and Dexterous Robot Avatar: Design, Control, and Kinematics Considerations. (the first five authors equally contributed) IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics (AIM), Best Late Breaking Results Poster Award, 2020. (this work also won First Place in the Hardware, Devices & Robotics Track of the 2021 GaTech VIP Innovation Competition) [abstract] [poster] [video1] [video2]
[CP9] Ye Zhao, Ufuk Topcu and Luis Sentis. Reactive Task Planner Synthesis of Dynamic Multi-Contact Locomotion in Constrained Environments. RSS 2016 Workshop on Task and Motion Planning, Ann Arbor, Michigan. [pdf]
[CP8] Ye Zhao, Ufuk Topcu and Luis Sentis. Towards Formal Planner Synthesis for Unified Legged and Armed Locomotion in Constrained Environments. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2016. [pdf]
[CP7] Ye Zhao, Jonathan Matthis, Sean L. Barton, Mary Hayhoe and Luis Sentis. Exploring Visually Guided Locomotion over Rough Terrain: A Phase Space Planning Method. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking. 2016. [pdf]
[CP6] Ye Zhao and Luis Sentis. Robust Optimal Control and High-Level Planner Synthesis for Locomotion over Various Terrain Topologies. 2016 ICRA Workshop on Legged Robot Falling: Fall Detection, Damage Prevention, and Recovery Actions.
[CP5] Donghyun Kim, Ye Zhao, Gray Thomas, and Luis Sentis. Whole-Body Operational Space Control: Undirectional Walking of a Point-Foot Series Elastic Biped. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2015.
[CP4] Donghyun Kim, Ye Zhao, Gray Thomas and Luis Sentis. Towards Agility in Compliant Point-Foot Bipeds. Proceedings of Dynamic Walking, 2014. [pdf]
[CP3] Huijun Gao, Jia You, Peng Shi, Lixian Zhang and Ye Zhao. Stabilization of Continuous-Time Markov Jump Linear Systems with Defective Statistics of Modes Transitions. Proceedings of the IFAC 18th world congress, Milano, Italy, 2011. [pdf]
[CP2] Lixian Zhang, Yu Leng, Lingjie Chen, and Ye Zhao. A BRL for A Class of Discrete-time Markov Jump Linear System with Piecewise-Constant TPs. Proceedings of the IFAC 18th world congress, Milano, Italy, 2011. [pdf]
[CP1] Ye Zhao and Lixian Zhang. On Stability of Markovian Jumping Neural Networks with both unknown and uncertain transition probabilities. International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Vehicular System, Cheju, Korea, 2010, pp. 125-128.
Book Chapters
Jesse Jiang, Ye Zhao, and Samuel Coogan. Specification-Guided Safe Learning for Robotic Systems. Smarter Cyber Physical Systems: Enabling Methodologies and Applications. 2024.
Y. Zhao, and L. Sentis. Distributed Impedance Control of Latency-Prone Robotic Systems with Series Elastic Actuation. Book Chapter, Stability, Control and Application of Time-delay Systems, Elsevier, pp: 23-51, 2019, Elsevier. [pdf]