Please check out a full list of videos on our lab youtube channel.

Fresh results on Social Bipedal Navigation via MPC! Check the paper link and website!

Check out our recent MimicTouch work on leveraging multi-modal human tactile demonstrations for contact-rich manipulation! Here is the paper link and website!

A recent talk delivered at Princeton Robotics Seminar @ Spring 2024.

Here are our recent experiments on Bipedal Locomotion Push Recovery via Signal Temporal Logic Guided Model Predictive Control.

Please check out our recent TRO work on Integrated Task and Motion Planning for Safe Legged Navigation in Partially Observable Environments.


Please check out our recent TRO work on Real-Time Deformable-Contact-Aware Model Predictive Control for Force-Modulated Manipulation.


Ye delivered an Autonomy Talk at ETH virtual seminar series. Please take a look at our latest research directions!

Ye gave a Humanoid workshop talk on Principled Structure Discovery for Agile Locomotion Decision-making and Trajectory Optimization. Please check it out!

Please check PI’s Zhao IRIM Symposium Talk in Fall 2022. It gives an overview of current LIDAR research directions. Nice opportunity to learn LIDAR research now!

Please check out our new quadrupedal work on Momentum-Aware Trajectory Optimization and Control for Agile Quadrupedal Locomotion.

Please check out our latest ICRA work on Reactive Locomotion Decision-Making and Robust Motion Planning for Real-Time Perturbation Recovery.


Fresh result on Learning Generalizable Vision-Tactile Robotic Grasping Strategy for Deformable Objects via Transformer. This is joint work with collaborators from Purdue, GT ISyE, and GT Interactive Computing.


On the GT Spring commencement day, Buzzy Cassie enjoys strolling on campus! The mini-cheetah robot is sponsored by MIT Biomimetic Robotics Lab & NAVER LABS.


Here is our recent result on quadruped navigation planning with dynamic obstacle detection and collision avoidance on the fly. This work is led by Danny Lee. Stay tuned for more task and motion planning results!


Check out this fresh new LIDAR video and enjoy a virtual lab tour with us!


The PI gave a seminar at USC Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things on Robust Planning and Decision-making for Safe Legged Locomotion. Please check it out to learn about our recent works on formal methods for locomotion and trajectory optimization.


Buzzy Cassie robust walking over perturbed woodblocks. A preliminary version of our reduced-order phase-space planning method is implemented [safe-loco-2020]. We are actively developing safe terrain-aware locomotion strategies for more complex navigation tasks. Stay tuned!


Our latest submission from Zhigen Zhao, Ziyi Zhou, and Michael Park on Symbolic-Decision-Embedded Bilevel Optimization for Long-Horizon Manipulation in Dynamic Environments. This bilevel optimization is formulated as a Task and Motion Planning (TAMP) composed of causal graph task decomposition, PDDL symbolic planning, and ADMM-based trajectory optimization. The open-source code is available.


A recent submission from Luke Drnach on robust contact-implicit trajectory optimization over uncertain terrain with stochastic complementarity. Uncertainty stemming from the terrain is modeled and used to design corresponding risk-sensitive objectives under the framework of contact-implicit trajectory optimization. Uncertainties from the terrain contact distance and friction coefficients are parameterized to propose a corresponding expected residual minimization cost design approach. The open-source code is here.


Jonas Warnke and Aziz Shamsah present their joint work on Safe Locomotion Navigation in Partially Observable Environments at CDC 2020 (virtual). Here are the CDC version and open-source code. We currently target generalized locomotion tasks and experimental implementations in more complex environments.


Ziyi Zhou delivered his ACC talk on distributed trajectory optimization for legged locomotion using the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM). Our current work aims for generalizing this approach to more complex legged systems such as Cassie and solve the optimal foot contact sequence in this distributed optimization.


Ye gave a talk at Dynamic Walking on the robust decision-making and planning of agile locomotion in constrained environments. Thank DW organizers for the invitation.


This video presented our recent work on Cassie’s foot soft suite sensing and terrain classification algorithms. This is a collaboration with Dr. Frank Hammond’s lab. The result was published in RoboSoft 2020.