January 2024: Three ICRA papers accepted! Look forward to the gathering at Atlanta this May! [TAMP_LNF] [HeteroTeaming] [DGap]
January 2024: Please check out our recent survey paper on Humanoid locomotion and manipulation! Great effort from 18 experts, 15 institutions, 6 months of collaboration. [pdf]
December 2024: Congratulations to Dr. Aziz Shamsah successfully defend his Ph.D.! The first PhD graduate from the LIDAR group! Look forward to his academic journey continuing at Kuwait University!
December 2024: Congratulations to Aziz for his legged social navigation work accepted at IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering! Truly collaborative work with Dr. Shreyas Kousik’s group.
September 2024: Can human tactile demonstration do a better job than human teleoperation for contact-rich manipulation? If this question intrigues you, you would be interested in checking out our recently accepted CoRL paper! [pdf] [video] [website]
August 2024: Our optimization-based TAMP survey paper has been accepted by TMECH! If you want to learn how symbolic planning, temporal logic, and language models can be seamlessly integrated with trajectory optimization, please give it a read! [link]
June 2024: Three papers accepted by IROS! Two works are about legged navigation [social navigation] [bipedal navigation with terrain uncertainty], and one is about LTL-based task replanning [LTL-D*]. The social navigation work has been selected as an oral presentation. Please check them out!
May 2024: Our transformer-based deformable object manipulation work is accepted by TMECH! Please check out the work here. [pdf] [video]
April 2024: PI delivered an invited long PI talk at the NSF NRI-FRR PI Meeting.
March 2024: PI delivered a talk at Princeton Robotics Seminar.
March 2024: Three papers submitted to IROS! Check out our latest navigation works [paper1] [paper2] [paper3]
Jan. 2024: Three ICRA papers accepted! Congratulations to Max Asselmeier, Feiyang Wu, Zhaoyuan Gu, and their wonderful teams for the great locomotion work!
Jan. 2024: Congratulations to Jesse Jiang for his local-global IMDP work accepted by ACC!
Dec. 2023: Congratulations to Colin and the team for winning the Best Paper Award at NeurIPS workshop Touch Processing: A New Sensing Modality for AI.
Dec. 2023: The PI delivered two talks at UT Austin and a Humanoid loco-manipulation workshop.
Nov. 2023: The PI gave a seminar at UC San Diego Contextual Robotics Institute.
Oct. 2023: Delighted to receive an USDA grant (as a Co-PI) on bipedal robot for caneberry harvesting!
Sep. 2023: We are delighted to receive an NSF FRR grant on deformable terrain locomotion!
Sep. 2023: Congratulations to Yunhai Han for his work on Koopman Operator in learning dexterous manipulation skills accepted by CORL as an oral presentation!
July 2023: Congratulations on our paper on task and motion planning for safe legged navigation accepted by TRO! Great work led by Aziz and Zhaoyuan!
July 2023: Congratulations to Jesse for his paper on abstraction-based planning for legged navigation accepted by IEEE Open Journal of Control Systems! Nice work!
May 2023: Congratulations on our collaborative work on ADMM-based trajectory optimization for deformable-contact-aware manipulation accepted by TRO! Great work led by Lasitha (advised by Dr. Hammond) and Ziyi!
March 2023: Congratulations to Maxwell Asselmeier and Jesse Jiang for winning NSF GRFP Fellowship! Look forward to their high-impact research!
February 2023: Zhao delivered an ETH Autonomy Talks Seminar Series. Please check out the recording here.
November. 2022: Zhao delivered two talks at the Humanoids workshops and one talk at NASA Ames Research Center about robust task and motion planning and momentum-aware trajectory optimization for legged robots.
Sept. 2022: Zhao is thrilled to receive the 2023 Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Program Award!
Sept. 2022: Congratulations to James Ni for winning the Fall 2022 President’s Undergraduate Research Travel Award! He will use this fund to attend the SSRR conference in Spain.
Sept. 2022: Congratulations to Michael Cao, James Ni, Jonas Warnke, and Yunhai Han for their heterogeneous robot teaming work accepted by SSRR (collaboration with Dr. Sam Coogan’s group).
July 2022: Congratulations to James Ni and Kasia Y. Fadeeva for their PURA awards in Fall 2022. Look forward to their research on heterogeneous robot teaming and imitation learning.
June 2022: Congratulations to Ziyi, Bruce (advised by Prof. Hutchinson), and Nathan for their momentum-aware quadrupedal locomotion work accepted by RA-L! Please check out our paper and experimental video on Mini Cheetah.
June 2022: Our IJRR paper on task and motion planning of robust dynamic locomotion in constrained environments is online now!
May 2022: Our PI Zhao is honored to receive the NSF CAREER Award for the project on safe locomotion and navigation!
May 2022: Congratulations to Maxwell Asselmeier for winning Herbert P. Haley Fellowship!
May 2022: Congratulations to Nathan Boyd graduated with his M.S. thesis on task and motion planning of locomotion and manipulation. He will join Apptronik to continue his endeavor in the robot locomotion field!
April 2022: Congratulations to Jesse Jiang (co-advised with Dr. Sam Coogan) for his paper on Safe Learning for Planning via Interval MDP Abstraction accepted by IEEE Control Systems Letters.
April 2022: Congratulations to our team for winning first place (Robotics track) in the VIP competition for the second year in a row!! Check out our Gelsight manipulation projects. https://loom.ly/onTCOuc
April 2022: Congratulations to Nathan Boyd for the Georgia Tech Vertically Integrated Program (VIP) Outstanding Mentor Award and school-level winner of Georgia Tech CTL TA Award.
March 2022: Congrats to Zhigen Zhao for his work on Adversarially Regularized Policy Learning for Trajectory Optimization accepted by L4DC this year! This is joint work with Simiao Zuo and Dr. Tuo Zhao.
January 2022: Our workshop on Safe Legged Locomotion in Complex Environments is accepted by ACC 2022 in Atlanta. Check out our workshop website!
January 2022: Our robust locomotion decision-making and planning work for real-time disturbance recovery (led by Zhaoyuan and Nathan) is accepted by ICRA 2022. [pdf]
December 2021: Our work on reactive task and motion planning for robust locomotion is accepted by IJRR [pdf].
December 2021: New preprint on Transformer-based tactile grasping learning work for deformable objects. Feedback is welcome [pdf].
November 2021: Congrats to Jonas Warnke for his MS graduation with thesis option! Great work on safety-guaranteed task planning.
November 2021: Congrats to James Ni, Achintya Mohan, and William Pao for winning PURA awards on aerial-terrestrial coordination, soft tactile sensing, and dynamic robot jumping research.
October 2021: Our Task and Motion Planning work for legged navigation is posted on arXiv. Welcome feedback!
September 2021: Our two recent locomotion works on push recovery and multi-robot task allocation are posted on arXiv [link1] [link2]. Feedback is welcome!
July 2021: Gelsight tactile sensor is delivered! Look forward to deformable contact modeling and robot grasping research.
July 2021: Congratulations to V. Ramkumar and A. Kumar for their PURA award on quadruped robot sensor integration and reinforcement learning with trajectory optimization.
May 2021: Our chance-constrained contact-robust trajectory optimization is in preprint now. This work is led by Z. Zhang and L. Drnach.
May 2021: Our co-organized ACC workshop on legged locomotion is held on May 24th. Please check out our speakers and topics!
May 2021: Our paper on robust trajectory optimization handling stochastic contact uncertainty is selected as the ICRA Best Automation Paper Award finalist. Here is the link.
April 2021: Congratulations to our Athena robot team won first place (a tied one) in the Hardware, Devices & Robotics Track of the 2021 GaTech VIP Innovation Competition.
March 2021: Congratulations to our undergraduate Nima Jadali for the 2021 Summer PURA award on Manipulation Perception and Multi-Level Optimization.
March 2021: Welcome Mini Cheetah robot from MIT and Naver Labs (co-hosted with Dr. Sehoon Ha’s group).
February 2021: Our robust trajectory optimization work over uncertain terrain with stochastic complementarity is accepted by RA-L [link]. This work is led by Luke Drnach.
February 2021: Our co-organized ACC workshop on Fielding Legged Robotics off the Beaten Path is accepted. Stay tuned for a detailed workshop schedule.
February 2021: The lab PI gave an invited seminar at USC Center for Cyber-Physical Systems and the Internet of Things on Robust Planning and Decision-making for Safe Legged Locomotion.
November 2020: Our recent trajectory optimization work on manipulation and locomotion is on arXiv now [SyDeBO] and [RobustTO]. Please check them out and feedback is welcome!
November 2020: Our collaborative work on Parameter Estimation of Dynamic Human Locomotion Based on Wearable Visual Odometry is accepted on IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering. The final version is here.
October 2020: Congrats to our MechE undergraduate Dongheon Han for the PURA research award in Spring 2021. Look forward to the Athena robot research!
August 2020: Our paper on safe locomotion navigation in partially observable 3D environments is accepted for CDC. A final version is here.
July 2020: Congratulations to our Athena manipulation team winning the Late-Breaking Results Best Poster Award, IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics.
July 2020: Luke Drnach, Jonas Warnke, and Aziz Shamsah represent our LIDAR group at the virtual RSS workshop on Robust Autonomy. Here are their spotlight videos [ws1] [ws2].
July 2020: Congratulations to our LIDAR undergraduate alumnus Andrew Galassi on receiving the prestigious 2020 Class of astronaut scholars from the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation.
June 2020: Ziyi Zhou presented his ACC paper on distributed trajectory optimization for legged locomotion. This work mainly contributes to distributed optimization algorithm design. Please check his talk here.
May 2020: The lab attended the virtual Dynamic Walking conference. Luke Drnach presented his robust trajectory optimization work. Here is a link to the poster. The lab PI gave a talk on robust task and motion planning. Video streaming is here.
April 2020: Our LIDAR undergraduate alumni William Plummer wins Woodruff School Undergraduate Richard K. Whitehead Jr. Memorial Awards. Congrats!
April 2020: Congrats to LIDAR ME undergraduates Marina Ahn and Xinpei (James) Ni on their Georgia Tech President’s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA)!
February 2020: Our journal paper on hierarchical planning and control of dynamic legged locomotion is accepted.
January 2020: Our RoboSoft paper on versatile terrain classification algorithm and soft contact sensor design is accepted.
January 2020: Two ACC papers on distributed trajectory optimization and temporal logic-based locomotion are accepted.
December 2019: The Lab PI gave a robotics seminar at Max Planck Institute Intelligent Systems, Germany.
October 2019: Three LIDAR undergraduates Kris (ME, third-year), John (ME, second-year), and Tanner (ME, first-year) are awarded Georgia Tech President’s Undergraduate Research Awards (PURA) for their robotics research. Congrats!
October 2019: A co-authored journal paper on human locomotion state estimation is submitted.
August 2019: LIDAR welcomes multiple new members!
August 2019: We’re honored to have an NRI grant awarded by NSF.
July 2019: The lab PI co-organized an ACC workshop Dynamic Legged Robotics at Philadelphia.
July 2019: A co-authored journal paper on dynamic legged locomotion is submitted.
June 2019: The lab PI co-organized an RSS workshop on Robust Task and Motion Planning at Freiburg, Germany.
April 2019: Buzzy Cassie robot is delivered to the lab.